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domingo, 20 de março de 2011

Skincare Routine no 1

Hey everyone! So, I am in a time when I have been trying to clear up my skin, and I tried to mix some of the products that I already had. This was attempt no 1 and there will be no 2 because this was not amazing for my skin at all. It did clear up some parts and evened out my skin a little bit but I am afraid this is not the skincare routine for me. I have oily skin but I am preety sure that this routine would be grat for people with normal skin because it prevents any future blemish and gives a nice and fresh finish to the skin! :)

Oriflame Cleanser
Clinique Anti-Blemish solution
Clinique Anti-Gravity eye cream

segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2011

Leave your room smelling nice ...

Are you forbidden to burn candles or are you just scared to put your house on fire??? Then this is the best solution for you!! :)

This product is from Yankee Candle and it coasted me around 30€ and though it seems very expensive it has been lasting me for 6 months now. A great buy, the sent I have is the "Sun and Sand".

Spring your life!!

Spring is coming but it's warmth hasn't started to appear yet... Well let's just brighten up every single detail in our lives. :D
The nailpolish I am using is from Andreia in the color 62, I guess, because I can't see the numbers very well. To get the exact color I am wearing you need to coats of it!! :)

quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2011

Savory Cranberry Mask

This is a lovely mask for people that just need to clear up their skin!! Tried it and my skin felt so great after!! :)

- 1 tablespoon of savory (1 colher de sopa de ervas aromáticas)
- 1/2 a cup of warm water (1/2 chávena de água quente)
- 1/2 a cup of cranberrys (1/2 chávena de cerejas ou qualquer fruto vermelho)

How to make it:

Put the savory in the warm water for 15 minutes. Strain the liquid. Grind the cranberry and save the juice. mix everything. Dip the cotton pads on the solution and place it on your face for 5 to 10 minutes avoiding the eye area. Remove the cotton pads and rinse it off with warm water.

Pôr as ervas aromáticas na água durante 15 minutos. Coar o líquido. triturar os frutos vermelhos e guardar o sumo. Misturar tudo. mergulhar discos de algodão e colocar na carra durante 5 ou 10 minutos evitando a área dos olhos. Remover os discos e lavar a cara com água quente.

Besides from being very tasty actually cranberrys can bring a lot of benefits to your teeth, stomach and cancer prevention. How cool is that? :)